Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The opening of the D E N H A M store marks the launch of the Blue Salad Bar. Visitors pick the riveting, shank-button specification, key-pocket ringback button, back-pocket four-hole button and leather waistband patch.

Any selection from any color-set in any combination ready for pick-up in 7 days. No, we're not the first but that doesn't make it any less fun. Besides, in our case the salad is tossed by Jason himself on the weekends and uses only our freshest ingredients. Time will tell if he'll look back at this as a good idea or not. In the meantime we're taking advantage of his good nature.

For His the Dart. Japanese selvedge denim given refined shape using our own twist on the traditional "tailorwise arts"; Darted articulation [darticulated...?], fully tailored waistband, boxed button-holes, bound flies, leather rivet-bushings and the signature 7-point pocket pattern.

For Hers, the Skinny. Premium finishing inspired by the mens' collection and featuring a slight dash of stretch to realize the optimum balance of shape and comfort.